Michael DzamesiDirector
Michael Dzamesi is a freelance Director, Director of Photography, Editor and Loyal Staff of Adfocus Support System. I have directed, shot or edited Weddings / Music Videos / Short Films / Commercials. |  BalojiDirector
Baloji is an artist in motion, a musician, poet, film director, a man of images and ideas. He’s in motion like the inhabitants of Avenue Kaniama in Lubumbashi. In motion like the synthetic afro beats he produces, the fruit of an unlikely alliance between rockrumba and futurist funk. |  Alain-BidardDirector
Alan Bidard is an award-winning Animation film director in Martinique who created animation films since 2000 after graduating from SUPINFOCOM, one of the best 3D animation schools in Europe. |
 Juan VargasDirector
Illustrator and designer, born in the caribbean coast and living in Bogotá. Interested in viewing the world with a different lens and enjoying the life through arts. |  Jimi OjikutuDirector
Writer, Film Maker, Director and Animator, Jimi Ojikutu, has several years of writing screenplays and copies, developing content, directing, and producing for several production houses and brands in his kitty. |  Tebogo MalebogoDirector
Born in the United Kingdom and raised in Canada, Kenya, and South Africa, Tebogo Malebogo is a Writer/Director/Producer currently based in Cape Town. The son of a diplomat, his itinerant childhood exposed him to myriad cultures which inform his work today. |
Nelson graduated in Visual Communication at the Academy of Fine Arts in Kinshasa. After having participated in master classes in photography, residencies for documentary writing in Kinshasa, Saint Louis Senegal and a training course in Paris. |  Hlumela MatikaDirector
Hlumela Matika is a Fulbright Scholar from Uitenhage, South Africa, she has a BFA in film producing and recently obtained her MFA in filmmaking from VPA Syracuse University. She has worked in the South African film service industry on various International and Local film productions. |  harlen martinezDirector
Actor, Periodista, Poeta y Cantante. Su formación Actoral la ha realizado en la Escuela del Festival Iberoamericano de Teatro de Bogotá, Academia de Actuación Tayro Visión Bogotá, y La Fundación Danza Chocó Teatro. |
 Badewa AjibadeDirector
Badewa Ajibade is a Nigerian filmmaker. Badewa was trained at the Toronto Film School in Canada. Since he returned home, he has gone on to write, direct and produce 4 short films. His work has been screened around the world. |  Muhannad LaminDirector
Muhannad Lamin is a Libyan filmmaker, graduated from Tripoli’s art institute with a directing and screenwriting degree.
He has been involved in producing several public-awareness campaign projects for such clients as the Electoral High Authority, the Ministry of Justice. |  Tony KOROSDirector
Tony Koros is a Kenyan screenwriter, director and producer, currently
based in New York where he completed his MFA in Filmmaking at the Tisch School of the Arts (NYU) in 2018. His latest short film, “Tithes & Offerings” premiered in competition at Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival 2019. |
 Joel HaikaliDirector
Joel Haikali is an award winning Namibian filmmaker, scholar and
creative entrepreneur who writes and directs most of his movies from
acclaimed short films,
documentaries and to feature films. In the past
10 years he has
established himself as a change maker in the African creative industry. Joel holds a Master degree in film and is actively involved in the management of the film and creative industry as the Board Chairperson of the Namibia Film Commission" |  Jeff TaverDirector
Jeff TAVER begins his career in events with the company KPROD which allowed him to produce and capture the concerts of famous artists (Sniper, Booba, Diam’s, Psy 4 de la Rime, Soprano...). From there, he acquires a solid professional experience in everything related to audiovisual post-production. |  Mafer AgahiDirector
Born in Cauca, Colombia, 1995. Her first work with film was as a member of a film crew in a social development media project in Ecuador, where she collaborated in production. Over the years she has been heavily involved in a number of filming projects within communities of Colombia and in photo documentation projects related to community development. |
 Sara J. Asprilla PalominoDirector
Sara J. Asprilla Palomino nació en Bahía Solano, Chocó, en 1997. Actualmente finaliza sus estudios de Ingeniería Multimedia en la Universidad de San Buenaventura Medellín. Además, adelanta estudios de Comunicación Audiovisual y Multimedial en la Universidad de Antioquia. Pelo Bonito es su primer cortometraje |  Johanna Makabi, Adele AlbrespyDirectors
We met in 2010 at Lycée Rodin (High school) in the 13th district of Paris. “MEDUSE” is our first joint short film and we have just returned from filming in Senegal for a second documentary project. |  El KadiriDirector
Yazid El Kadiri is a moroccan Filmmaker, Born in January ,1st. 1996 in Fez- Morocco.
He is laureate of a Master in Writing and filmmaking of the 1st promotion in the Higher Institute of the Professions of Audiovisual and Cinema (ISMAC) in Rabat (2013-2018). |
 Bayram KüçükDirector
He was born in Erzincan on 11th October 1995. He completed the primary and secondary schools in Erzincan. He studied in Radio Television in Giresun University, followed by Radio Television & Cinema department in the Communication Faculty of Aydin Adnan Menderes University. He created Fiction and Documentary movies. |  Nay Mendl, Rosa Caldeira, Vita Pereira, Directors
Nuestra película fue dirigida por cuatro personas :
Nay Mendl es una cineasta trans de la periferia de Sao Paulo y estudiante de cine.
Rosa Caldeira, licenciada en ciencias sociales, actúa como gaffer en cine, multiartista, trans, activista y director.
Stheffany Fernanda, involucrada en la realizacion de peliculas, DJ por casualidad.
Vita Pereira, multi-artista, travesti y productora cultural. Licenciada en pedagogía y teatro. |  Antony NtiDirector
Anthony (1992) was born in Ghana and moved to Belgium when he was about 10 years old. He studied film at the RITCS in Brussels and became part of a colourful artistic scene, doing commercials and music videos with a multitude of talented young artists. His work has that special something that allows it to go viral. |
 Alex VidigalDirector
Mestre em Imagem e Som pela FAC – Universidade de Brasília, Alex Vidigal começou a desenvolver projetos audiovisuais ainda no âmbito da graduação. Além de inúmeros trabalhos nos gêneros de ficção, documentário, videoclipe e institucional, a experimentação em vídeos para internet (projeto É Nóis – A Série) trouxe notoriedade ao trabalho do realizador. |  Emmanuel VidalDirector
Emmanuel Vidal Cogollo, director y guionista nacido en Cartagena de Indias.
Director y co-guionista del cortometraje "Flamencoterapia" ganador del premio del jurado en la competencia audiovisual Tornado Cartagena 2019.
Director de los cortometrajes "REVERB", "KAMIKAZE", "Creo que hay un monstruo debajo de mi cama" y "Ancla al vacio". |  Derhwa KasunzuDirector
Rappeur et slameur, Derhwa est également parolier dont il écrit lui même les textes qu'il interprète et le donne souvent a ses copains. Il est également intéressé par le cinéma où il se retrouve souvent comme technicien dans certaines productions. |
 Morad MostafaDirector
Morad is an Egyptian Director, born in 1988 in Cairo. He studied Film directing in “Cinema Palace” in 2008 and other filmmaking workshops. He works in the filmmaking industry since 2010 as an assistant director with several directors as “Mohamed Diab", "Hala Khalil" in Nawara, and "Sherif Elbendary" in “Ali the Goat and Ibrahim”. |  Leonard CortanaDirector
Leonard Cortana (Guadeloupe/France) is a Ph.D Candidate at the Cinema Studies Department at NYU Tisch School of the Arts and a 2019-2020 Fellow at the Berkman Klein Center, Harvard Law School. His doctoral research focuses on the circulation of transnational film narratives about racial justice and activist movements that re-open wounded historical memories Prior to his studies, he conducted several artistic and educational projects with non-profits and UN agencies... |  Dolores VundaDirector
Dolores Vunda is a international film director student at Warsaw Film School in Poland. She was born and raised in The Democratic Republic of Congo. She fell in love with the movie industry since she was still a child, believing that an image holds a thousand words. |
 Welket BungueDirector
Welket Bungué is originally from the Balanta tribe, was born in Xitole (Guinea-Bissau) on February 7th, 1988. He is a Portuguese-Guinean actor and film director based in Berlin. He holds a degree in theater from the Actors branch (ESTC / Lisbon) and a postgraduate degree in Performance (UniRio / Brazil). |  Nelson FoixDirector
Nelson FOIX, is a young talented scriptwriter and film director, on the way to share his universe, between Caribbean and Urbanstyle. After two years studying Light and Camera at school in Paris, he learned by doing. The Kid is his third short movie. |  Samir BenchikhDirector
Après un cursus en psychologie et cinéma, je pars tourner mon premier documentaire en 2006 en Côte d’Ivoire. J’écris ensuite en 2009 un documentaire en France sur le logement, en suivant ceux qui luttent pour garder ou obtenir un toit. En 2012, je réalise Sababou, un documentaire avec le
chanteur Tiken Jah Fakoly. |
 Saif HasnaouiDirector
"Born August 03, 1992 . Saif Hasnaoui is a Tunisian Film Editor, He finished his studies in audiovisual and cinema, Film Editing speciality at the Higher School of Cinema and Audiovisual in Gammarth (ESAC) Tunis in 2017. He was a film editor in several Tunisian short films (documentaries and fictions). After 3 years, He started his first experience in directing with his very first short film " Half A Film " in 2020." |  Lucas SilvaDirector
I am a filmmaker and screen writer. During 15 years I realized documentaries on afro-Colombian culture, ethnic minorities, and other popular cultures of my country, Colombia. The major part of my work is devoted to the heritage of the African culture and its presence in America. |  Sifiso KhanyileDirector
Sifiso is an award winning Producer/Director for Anaphora Films. Independent archive researcher.
Khanyile started his career working as writer and content producer on SABC talk and magazine shows., Khanyile directed Spiderman and Romeo, a ground breaking short documentary about the thrills and dangers of train surfing. |
 Tamara DawitDirector
Tamara Dawit is an Ethiopian-Canadian fi lmmaker based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia where she runs the production company Gobez Media. Tamara also manages the Creative Producers Training Program which supports the development, training and export of Ethiopian fi lm and music content. |  Francoise EllongDirector
Le 8 Février 1988, Françoise Ellong naît dans la ville de Douala au Cameroun. Dès lors qu’elle apprend à écrire, son sens de l’imagination se révèle peu à peu à sa famille. A 11 ans, elle arrive dans la petite ville de Brunoy où elle vit avec son oncle. |  Kayode KasumDirector
I am a passionate Director, Cinematographer and Animator. My film projects include a two part documentary series for the Lagos State Internal Revenue Service (LIRS) which was aired across Nigeria. I have also created and directed music videos, TV series. |
 Abdoulaye DaoDirectors
Abdoulaye DAO is part of the second generation of directors from Burkina Faso. He is a graduate of the institutes of film formations in Africa (INAFEC-Burkina, Cairo-Egypt, CIRTEF-Benin) and France (INA-Paris).
Hervé Eric LENGANI was first in front of the camera, before going behind the camera. Indeed, very early passionate about the 7th art, he begins "his cinema" as a comedian. |  Ines Johnson SpainDirector
Ines Johnson-Spain is an independent German/Togolese filmmaker based in Berlin. She studied Scienes of Religions at Freie Universität Berlin (FU) and Fine Arts and painting (guest student) at University of Arts Berlin. She worked for many years as a scenic painter and set designer for theater and international film productions. |  Tawfik BabaDirector
Tawfik Baba is a moroccan Filmmaker.
He gradueted at French School of Arts & Media Studio M in Casablanca.
He is a producer, screenewriter and director of his last film "Oliver Black". |