Our history
"La Fundación QAFF, como maravillosa tejedora de espacios y saberes, ha sido capaz de unir culturas geográficamente distantes pero similares, unidas para siempre por la historia. Con el objetivo de promover la educación cultural y la formación profesional en artes audiovisuales y facilitar los intercambios transcontinentales, la Fundación QAFF ha traído "África a Colombia".
En su labor de producción y distribución audiovisual, la Fundación QAFF lanzó su primera iniciativa, el Quibdó Africa Film Festival (QAFF), como foro para explorar las culturas afro de Quibdó. La primera edición de QAFF tuvo lugar del 18 al 28 de septiembre de 2019 en el Pacífico colombiano, un escenario mágico donde las diversas voces y sonidos de África se unieron en una celebración audiovisual sin precedentes.
La segunda edición del QAFF, "Where Reality Meets Fiction", fue una edición especial que tuvo lugar del 15 al 19 de septiembre de 2020, en la plataforma de streaming Boonet.co, debido a la pandemia del COVID-19, que supuso un reto importante para la planificación y producción del festival. Sin embargo, la Fundación QAFF superó con éxito este obstáculo y transformó el festival en un formato virtual, demostrando su compromiso con la educación y la cultura en tiempos difíciles.
La tercera edición del QAFF, titulada "Afrofuturismo", se celebró del 14 al 18 de septiembre de 2021, tanto de forma virtual en Colombia como presencial en Pointe-Noire, Congo. Con un formato híbrido, el festival pretendía tender un puente entre las ciudades de Quibdó y Pointe-Noire, creando puentes de intercambio cultural, social y económico para establecer alianzas a largo plazo. La Fundación QAFF fue el anfitrión perfecto para un encuentro de culturas tan vibrantes y enriquecedoras.
La cuarta edición del QAFF, "Patrimonio", tuvo lugar del 12 al 17 de septiembre de 2022 en Quibdó, verdadero enclave del patrimonio africano en Colombia. Los ganadores del certamen recibieron una estatuilla inspirada en el mítico árbol Baobab, símbolo de la conexión entre África y su diáspora a través del cine, rindiendo homenaje al valor del patrimonio cultural y la diversidad.
La quinta edición del QAFF, "Afrodisruptivo", tuvo lugar del 14 al 18 de septiembre de 2023, y se destacó como un evento cultural de gran relevancia que se desarrolló en el Pacífico colombiano durante cinco días inolvidables. En su quinta edición, este festival dejó un profundo impacto al converger elementos como la cultura afro, el cine, la convivencia, las tradiciones y la memoria".
Objectives vues
Education through Cinema
Exploring African History: Showcase films and documentaries that delve into African history and its profound influence on Colombia culture and the broader diaspora.
Educational Sessions: Organize educational sessions led by historians, filmmakers, and academics that delve into topics related to African history, cultural influences, and their representations in cinema.
Entertainment with Depth
Diverse Cinematic Works: Present a wide range of cinematic works, from historical dramas to contemporary comedies, that authentically reflect the diversity and richness of the Afrodescendant experience.
Multidimensional Entertainment: Integrate music, dance, and visual arts into the festival to create a comprehensive entertainment experience that pays tribute to Afro culture.
Afrodisruptive Dialogue
Challenging Stereotypes: Encourage films and discussions that challenge stereotypes and offer innovative perspectives on the Afrodescendant experience and identity.
Facilitating Dialogue: Create spaces for debates and panel discussions where filmmakers, academics, and the audience can engage in meaningful dialogues about topics such as representation, identity, and innovation in Afrodescendant cinema.
Connecting with Africa
Global Collaborations: Establish collaborations with African film festivals and the Afrodescendant diaspora to exchange films, knowledge, and experiences.
Highlighting Similarities: Showcase films that highlight the similarities and connections between African and Colombian experiences, emphasizing universal themes such as family, community, and resistance.
Festival Activities
Film Screenings: Diverse selection of films and documentaries that explore Afrodescendant stories, histories, and experiences, both from Africa and the broader diaspora.
Q&A Sessions: Discussions with filmmakers, actors, and experts to provide insights into the creative process, cultural contexts, and themes explored in the films.
Educational Workshops: Workshops and masterclasses led by industry professionals, providing aspiring filmmakers with practical skills and knowledge.
Cultural Performances: Live music, dance performances, and visual art exhibitions that celebrate Afro culture and enhance the overall festival experience.
Panels and Debates: Panels and debates on relevant topics such as representation in cinema, identity, innovation, and challenges faced by Afrodescendant communities.
Afrofuturism Showcase: Afrofuturism through film screenings, discussions, and exhibitions, exploring imaginative visions of the future rooted in Afro culture.
Heritage Exhibits: Exhibitions and presentations that showcase the rich heritage and contributions of Afrodescendant communities in Colombia and beyond.
Cultural Food and Craft Fair: Marketplace where attendees can savor traditional Afro-Caribbean cuisine, purchase handmade crafts, and engage with local artisans.
Community Engagement: Community outreach programs, such as film screenings in local schools or cultural exchange events with the Quibdó community.
Awards Ceremony: Closing ceremony with an awards ceremony recognizing outstanding contributions to Afro cinema and storytelling.
Cinema Under the Stars: Outdoor screenings in the Quibdó Malecon, allowing attendees to enjoy films under the night sky.
Virtual Screenings: In cases where physical attendance is limited, we offer virtual screenings and discussions to ensure broader access to festival content.
Networking Events: Networking opportunities for filmmakers, industry professionals, and attendees to foster collaborations and partnerships.
Children's Program: Dedicated program for children, featuring age-appropriate films and activities that promote cultural awareness and creativity.
Film Market: Platform for filmmakers to showcase their projects to potential distributors, investors, and industry representatives.